Schultz Expands Out of State
Following the successful implementation of a 2015 rebranding and statewide expansion strategy, Schultz Center, a leader in high-quality teacher training and professional development for educators, has now expanded its reach to include working with educators outside of Florida. The organization’s first out-of-state contract comes from River Valley Child Development Services in West Virginia. Schultz will develop a training program for the West Virginia Early Childhood Training Connections and Resources project. The project is a statewide collaborative aimed at providing high-quality professional development and training to early learning educators throughout West Virginia.
“Schultz is continually innovating through the creation of high impact training and development resources for educators,” said Deborah Gianoulis Heald, president and CEO, Schultz Center. “However, it’s the innovation from within our organization – from adapting our latest training methods to early educator groups to strategically expanding our reach – that’s really beginning to tell the new Schultz Center’s story.”
Schultz Center’s contract with River Valley Child Development Services includes the development of online training to teach best practices, strategies, and skills so that West Virginia early educators can collaboratively build a comprehensive, high-quality online training environment accessible by any early childhood teacher in the state.
“We first learned of Schultz as they delivered a compelling presentation during a national education conference in Washington, D.C.,” said Suzi Brodof, executive director, River Valley Child Development Services. “The training they’ve developed for the West Virginia Early Childhood Training Connections and Resources project has more than adequately addressed our key needs and we looking forward to our continued relationship with their team.”
Schultz will continue to actively expand service offerings and geographic reach through 2016 while remaining dedicated to their mission of improving the quality of training for educators across the field.
Today’s announcement comes on the heels of the Schultz Center’s reorganization last summer, with a refocus on teacher training and education leadership training and connecting education entrepreneurs with resources to grow their businesses. The International Association for Continuing Education and Training also recently designated Schultz Center as an Accredited Provider of Continuing Training Units. Schultz joins less than 600 international Accredited Providers approved to offer the association’s continuing education units. Continuing education units are accepted, recognized and often required by many state agencies and credentialing organizations.